
Although you technically “died” at some point, you’re still running around and walking and talking. Was it a medical thing, where you flatlined on the operating table, or maybe you drowned in icy water and were revived even though you had no pulse? Or did you spend time buried in a literal coffin as part of an initiation ceremony? Something weirder that that, even?

Whatever it is, you can still pass a physical and benefit from a hospital stay if you’re hurt, but there is one weird little side effect: you don’t need to breathe. (You may be a little on the pale side and have low blood sugar, too.) If someone tries to smother or strangle you, there’s a chance that it just doesn’t affect you. You’ve got Specific Protection against those kinds of attacks. Note that you have to concentrate in order to benefit from it.

I am Undead-ish, of course I can not bother with breathing, and ignore the effects of being strangled, smothered or suffocate.
Supernatural:  Specific Protection (against suffocation attacks).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: None.

  • UA3, Expose

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