Templar Heritage

The Knights Templar are notorious in occult circles. Supposedly, they switched sides (or didn’t) during the Crusades, being initiated into (or just stealing) mystic secrets of the near east before returning to Europe and becoming so rich that sovereigns got jealous and the King of France had them all (or mostly) cooked. The death curse of their Grand Master is a matter of historical record, and it apparently worked. But much of their wealth, and all of their spooky occult rituals, went entirely unrecovered.

So how’d you wind up with some kind of Templar protection over you? Has your family been secret defenders of part of their wisdom for untold decades? Did you loot a tomb? Do a favour for a Templar ghost? Do you even know?

However you came by it, your Templar Heritage is Specific Protection against fire, the bane of the Templar leadership. Any time you might take damage from being ignited, roll this Identity and you can walk through fire un-scorched.

I have Templar Heritage, of course I can ignore fire damage and walk through fire un-scorched.
Supernatural: Specific Protection (against fire damage).
Substitutes for: None.
Feature: Casts Rituals.

  • UA3, Expose

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