Perform Illusions

Doing legerdemain, card tricks and small-scale stage illusions is much, much, much less cool than being a rockstar, but it’s also a lot less stressful and demanding. He just had to practice a hand movement over and over and over and over until it looked perfectly natural, despite being profoundly artificial. But with a little practice he was soon able to (apparently) levitate light objects, make coins pass through glass or tables, and say “Is… this your card!?” with proper drama.

I Perform Illusions, Of Course I can escape from handcuffs, shoplift, misdirect attention, source you a well-behaved dove.
Substitutes for: Secrecy.
Feature: Substitutes for Lie.
Feature: Unique (can win a lot of money cheating at cards).

  • UA3, Expose

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