
In the course of pursuing Objectives, the PC cabal may run into broader issues than “Where can I fly my freak flag without the muggles tryin’a burn it?” They may involve themselves with decreasing (or increasing) crime or unemployment. They may require access to some specific historical site with sexy feng shui, or they might wind up in the bad books of a local business that has Sinister Secret Motives™. In all those instances, they are trying to put their thumbs on the scale of how the society operates. In this, they’re going to cross paths with the mundane folks who are already trying to thumb society with great vigor. People like the alderwoman.

She’s in her fifties and that hormone that makes her concerned about how other people feel has pretty much thrown in the towel. She had a good run as a conciliatory do-bee, she helped a lot of people, made a lot of friends, and handled a lot of dirt with sensitivity and discretion. Then her kids moved out, her husband filed for an amicable divorce and she suddenly wondered why she was so great about helping others retain political position when she could just get one of her own. So she ran for city council, won, broke the other Aldermen and women to harness with shocking leadership skills, and is poised to become mayor. But interrupting her path to authority—one way or the other—is those dratted PCs.

Maybe they turn her on to the real threats to her community and she becomes a powerful ally. Maybe she dismisses them as lunatics and does everything she can to make their lives untenable. (“Oh, sorry, your house has been rezoned. We’ll pay a fair market price, of course. Also, your business is under investigation. Also, you’re going to need a license to conduct those blood sacrifices—even with religious protections, you’re bound by sanitation regulations.”)

SELF 4 Hard

Wound Threshold: 50

I’m an Alderwoman, of course I can get a ticket fixed, make a local business be nicer to you, get that pothole repaired, get
you a temporary job for a couple weeks.
Substitutes for: Status.
Feature: Protects Helplessness.
Feature: Protects Isolation.

  • UA3, Expose

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