
Whether they’ve genuinely made a mistake, been caught doing something unbecoming to their role, or been made into the dishonorable fall guy by someone who wields a lot more power, a Disgraced character can wind up getting chewed up over their collapse. The drive to redeem themselves – either personally, or to restore honour to their family name – may become a compelling obsession.

Do they want to put things right before they finally accept their fate? Or are they driven to clear their name and return to their rightful status? Is revenge a part of their redemption plans?

I’m Disgraced, of course I can take the blame, be ostracised, empathise with the pariah, recognise the scapegoat, deny my culpability.
Substitutes for: Status.
Feature: Protects Self.
Feature: Coerces Isolation.

  • Jagusti

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