Truly Believes

He tries to live in accordance with his religious faith, not because he’s scared of any punishments it declares for sinners, but because he’s internalized its values. He really believes. He really wants to get right with God. Any urge that his religion calls “sinful” seems, to him, like an external impulse, something imposed on him. He still gets angry or greedy or lazy, but he doesn’t want to. He doesn’t relish his lusts or coddle his vices. He wants to want the right thing and most of the time, he does.

I Truly Believe, of course I can be courageous in order to help others, suffer in silence, recognize a verse from the holy book of my tradition.
Substitutes for: Connect.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Protects Unnatural.

  • UA3, Expose

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