Single Parent

Given how many single parents you meet, there must be some real shits out there. This fellow, though, the mother of his darling daughter wasn’t a shit. She just got caught in a riptide while they were on vacation in California and drowned. It was the first time she’d ever been to the ocean.

That leaves him with his daughter (how old is she now, anyhow?), struggling to keep a roof over their head while paying for her therapy (she’s still phobic about water and hates the beach). He misses his wife every day, and he’s always tired, but he keeps going because of his daughter. He says he sees his wife’s spirit in her.

I’m A Single Parent, of course I can stretch that grocery budget, arrange a very complicated schedule, throw together a Halloween costume at the last minute.
Substitutes for: Pursuit.
Feature: Protects Helplessness,
Feature: Protects Isolation.

  • UA3, Expose

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