Is A Scary Problem

Ever see the movie Single White Female? How about Misery? Fatal Attraction? Well, they’re all about crazy ladies who fixate on someone and then attempt to control them. They start out with emotional stuff, but it escalates to violence. In Misery—hoo boy does it ever.

This character has not seen Misery and if she did, she’d be offended. She wouldn’t quite be able to articulate why, but she’d feel it was unfair. Unfair to her, unfair to Annie Wilkes, unfair to women everywhere who just want people to accept love on someone’s terms other than their own, dammit. So yeah. She’s deranged. She’s got a perky mask of sanity fully intact, but behind it is a time bomb of obsessive mania just waiting to go off. She is going to become obsessed with someone. She will attempt to convince that person that they love her, need her, and should obey her. When that fails—and it’s doomed to fail because her needs and demands are constantly in play and soon become contradictory—it’s time for abduction, ranting, and ultimately torture.

Isn’t she about due to meet your PCs sometime soon?

I’m A Scary Problem, of course I can pull serious handcuffs out of my purse, explain why duct tape isn’t really that great for restraining someone’s hands, act harmless, maintain a stakeout.
Substitutes for: Struggle
Feature: Provides Wound Threshold.
Feature: Substitutes for Lie.

  • UA3, Expose

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