Came Out of Foster Care

Maybe your country has a better system for taking care of children whose parents have abandoned them, or got caught engaging in neglect or abuse. The system in the US has … mixed outcomes. Some foster parents are saints who genuinely care for the most unfortunate and powerless kids to be found.

Some foster parents are scam artists, and some group homes are little better than bullpens for the juvenile prison system.

To see her, you wouldn’t guess she’d been parentless since the age of 13, but you might think there’s something dark in her past. You’d see it in the skeptical eyes, the suspicious posture, or that scar that goes across her left ear and onto her temple.

Whether she chose to become fiercely loyal to her few friends, or to become completely self-isolated, is up to her (and the GM). One way or another though, she learned a lot about victimization and how to avoid it.

I Came Out of Foster Care, of course I can yell, nitpick the legality of certain tense social
interactions, instinctively hide of everything of value.
Substitutes for: Notice.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge.
Feature: Coerces Violence.

  • UA3, Expose

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