Five ways to get GM characters to talk

Trying to get information out of some of the GM characters is tough, and it can be frustrating.

There’s no guarantee that any of them will have especially loose tongues. They do each have reasons not to blurt out their secrets. In the early stages of a campaign the cabal isn’t yet a well established player (threat) in the Occult Underground. And the GM characters come with baggage, obligations and loyalties to other parties that either inspire more trust, or just have more dirt on them.

But it’s fair to say they each likely have something that’ll make them crack. Whether and how you choose to tap them up can also go some way to establishing the cabal’s reputation underground.

Here are some mechanical options you can use to tease things out in a 1-on-1 situation. Combine them to build up (or escalate) your info-gathering assault. There will always be consequences to how you choose to approach it, but you’re more likely to find out what you need sooner.

  1. Use Connect, Therapeutic identities or a Relationship to get a superficial read on their disposition. Use that to inform your approach.
  2. Use Connect or an existing Relationship to loosen them up. They’re not likely to give you exactly what you want, but they may give away a clue or something that gives you leverage in a follow up. If you fluff it, they will resent being manipulated. Lie can have the same effect.
  3. Use Status to assert your authority over them and to compel them to surrender information. Even if you succeed, they may feel put upon or humiliated.
  4. Use Coercion* to threaten a disclosure with an appropriate identity, relationship or ability. The subtlety or directness of the approach you take depends on the meter you attack. Whatever the approach though, you will need some leverage to pull it off (to back up the threat). Don’t expect to get on with your victim afterwards.
  5. Use an Evaluate identity to assess a shock meter (eg, Violence, Unnatural, Helplessness, etc), revealing psychological strength or vulnerability. Follow up with a precision Coercion.

* Coercion can trigger a shock test, which will then make the character more hardened or broken on a meter. The psychological consequences can be devastating for them. And sometimes for the threat-maker. But at least you can get the info you need. Cos that’s what counts, right? 😉

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