Postal Services Worker

While much of the postal services are becoming automated, for now there’s still a need for somebody to trudge the streets collecting and delivering letters and packages to individual addresses.  These folks operate at unsociable hours doing boring and repetitive work. They can pass unnoticed, but that doesn’t mean they don’t notice things themselves. They see a lot more about who’s in a neighbourhood, how it ticks and something of the community (or lack) therein.

This identity could also work for delivery staff and couriers. Add some wild driving and routing skills (and maybe a van or nippy bike), perhaps in exchange for the local or neighbourhood knowledge.

I am a Postal Services Worker, of course I can keep crazy sleep patterns, do bureaucracy, be a jobsworth, know where you live and your morning routine, get the neighbourhood gossip, blend into the street scene.
Substitutes for: Fitness.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Substitute for Notice.

  • Jagusti

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