Adept: (Magick School)

If you make an adept character, you buy up Magick or Sociomancy or Fulminaturgy as an identity and roll it when you cast spells. But it must be your obsession.

So, on the plus side, you can flip-flop rolls to get better results, which one generally wants when tinkering with the fundaments of existence.

An adept identity always gets the Casts Rituals and Use Gutter Magick features for free. However, what adepts really focus on and get the most use out of is the ability to generate and store charges, based on the school of magick that they’re obsessed with.

Playing an adept means either choosing an existing school of magick from this chapter (there are more in Book Three: Reveal and in other sourcebooks and future supplements) or by making one up with the gleeful assistance of your GM.

An adept identity does not come with the “Of course…” element, nor does it substitute for an ability, which makes it a special kind of supernatural identity.

Adept identities improve by failing, just like other identities, and unlike avatars, which are the inverse.

When you create a character with an adept identity, you know all of the spells in your adept school, and you have 8 minor charges. Don’t spend them all in one place. If you pick up an adept identity later on, you don’t get any freebie charges, though. (Play, p127).

I’m an Adept, of course I can cast the spells of my magick school, generate and store magickal charges.
Substitutes for: Nothing.
Feature: Casts Rituals.
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.

  • UA3, Play, p125

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