Not a Victim

I am Not a Victim, of course I can Take responsibility for my fate, bounce back, inspire people to be strong.
Substitutes for: Status.
Feature: Defends Helplessness
Feature: Unique. Inspire positive attitudes and action. (On a successful roll, you can encourage or lift somebody’s spirits, or persuade them to do something positive or affirmative. You can’t get them to do something illegal or against their character. You can shake someone out of a frozen or flight state if they have failed a stress check. In any case, you need to be able to speak to the person and you need to be able to look each other in the eye. This can work on small (up to 10 people) and large (10 or more) groups, with a -10% or -20% shift.)

Invisible Clergy Lore

I know Invisible Clergy Lore, of course I can: tell an avatar from a lunatic, jump to incorrect conclusions that somehow pan out, distinguish the residue of amateur art projects.

Substitutes for: Knowledge.
Feature: Substitutes for Secrecy.
Feature: Evaluates the Unnatural.

Crooked Cop

I’m a Crooked Cop, of course I can pull strings, check you records, call in favours, legally intimidate, protect and serve, get cover, be official and officious, reasonably request access, know my way around town.
Substitutes for: Lie or Status.
Feature: Coerce Helplessness or Coerces Violence.
Feature: Provides Firearms Attacks.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge or Tactical.

Scout Leader

I’m a Scout Leader, of course I can be prepared, find a good spot to camp, tie the right know, organise a jamboree, play harmonica, hunt dinner, muster support.
Substitutes for: Knowledge or Status.
Feature: Medical.
Feature: Provides Firearms Attacks or Coerces Helplessness.
Feature: Substitutes for Fitness or Cooperative

Cult Survivor

I’m a Cult Survivor, of course I can feign compliance, tell us both what needs to be heard, see the real power dynamic, suffer discipline, keep a routine, find a way out.
Substitutes for: Secrecy.
Feature: Protects Self.
Feature: Coerces Helplessness or Coerces Unnatural
Feature: Substitutes for Connect


I’m Disgraced, of course I can take the blame, be ostracised, empathise with the pariah, recognise the scapegoat, deny my culpability.
Substitutes for: Status.
Feature: Protects Self.
Feature: Coerces Isolation.

Childcare Worker

I am a Childcare Worker, of course I can get through to kids, negotiate with parents, sympathise, maintain a poker face, threaten to get you r kid taken away by the state.
Substitutes for: Connect.
Feature: Evaluates Self.
Feature: Therapeutic.

Postal Services Worker

I am a Postal Services Worker, of course I can keep crazy sleep patterns, do bureaucracy, be a jobsworth, know where you live and your morning routine, get the neighbourhood gossip, blend into the street scene.
Substitutes for: Fitness.
Feature: Protects Isolation.
Feature: Substitute for Notice.

Is A Scary Problem

I’m A Scary Problem, of course I can pull serious handcuffs out of my purse, explain why duct tape isn’t really that great for restraining someone’s hands, act harmless, maintain a stakeout.
Substitutes for: Struggle
Feature: Provides Wound Threshold.
Feature: Substitutes for Lie.

Has Scary Problems

Two versions of the I Have Scary Problems Identity are included. One’s mystic. One’s just the outcome of living a life of incipient terror.

I Have Scary Problems.
Supernatural: Specific Inform (for whatever those oranges and pencils and people in
crowds have in common).
Feature: Use Gutter Magick.
Feature: Casts Rituals.

I Have Scary Problems, of course I can maintain a poker face, be ready to flee at all times, awaken at the slightest noise.
Substitutes for: Pursuit.
Feature: Substitutes for Dodge.
Feature: Substitutes for Notice.